The Manager's Role In Development

Managing Development Planning™, a one-day workshop, introduces your managers, directors and officers to an entirely new way of viewing and collaborating with employees on their development.No matter how much they believe in development for their employees, most managers struggle to incorporate development planning and discussions into their crowded agendas. Although many hundreds of managers with whom we’ve worked came to Managing Development Planning™ only because of a requirement linked to a performance management or development initiative, virtually all left reporting that it was one of the most practical, useful and realistic approaches to support them that their company had ever offered.

Through our Five Tools for managing strength-based development planning, managers learn to challenge and support employees, and upgrade their own development plans as well.


  • Have their business priorities addressed through strength-based development — employee development produces results that directly benefit the organization.
  • Learn when and how to effectively address weaknesses and competency gaps.
  • Practice accessing individual employee motivators and directing them toward achieving business objectives.
  • Learn the criteria for effective development assignments.
  • Understand the Motivation Scale and how to leverage an understanding of employee motivators to increase productivity and successful outcomes.
  • Practice using the Five Tools to address the most common and difficult development conversations.



         (914) 234-3200